Yoga with Hazel, yoga classes online & in person in Rathgar Dublin 6, Ireland

I feel passionate about connecting people with their bodies and reminding people to listen to the deep wisdom that they hold.  
My yoga classes encourage you to listen to your body and follow its lead.  
I welcome all ages and ask you to show up fully for yourself to whatever capacity you can at any given moment, to welcome all of yourself on to the mat and dive within.  I invite you to meet your edge, this is where change can begin. Beneath layers of conditioning and story lies deep wisdom and through these practices we can tap into this depth of wisdom.Yoga is not about making a shape with your body, it is not about imposing on your body what your mind asks, or what an external source asks, it is about a deep inner listening and awareness of what is. 

Moving through asana, pranayama and stillness I invite you to explore sensation, breath and beyond.  We find freedom in the body, expansion in the breath and an openness to what life has to offer.

Whether you are looking to relieve stiffness in the body, to find moments of peace in the mind or expansion in the breath you will find it through these practices in person in Dublin or on zoom.

Yoga with Hazel, yoga classes online & in person in Rathgar Dublin 6, Ireland


Date:  Sunday 15th Decemberber 2024

Time: 11.00am-6.30pm

Cost: 150 euro



As we settle deeper into the dark time of the year we will ask ourselves how we navigate the darkness. We will move slowly, gently, particularly those parts that get held tightly, we will listen deeply to our bodies and each other and rest deeply.

After a slow, restful Yoga practice we will share a simple lunch by the stove.  We will then sit together in witness of collective grief and gratitude with a stone ritual.  We will finish with deep rest.

These dark cold days help to reveal that which is hidden. There is such wisdom to be found in the depths of the dark, in the not doing, not growing, not expanding; in resting, nourishing, recovering. How can we reclaim the wisdom of our bodies in this overculture of constant doing, distraction and ascension?

Yoga with Hazel, yoga classes online & in person in Rathgar Dublin 6, Ireland


Date: Sunday 19th January 2025
Time: 2.30 – 5pm
Cost: 45 euro


Let’s twist to cleanse and revitalise the digestive system and vital organs. Despite what the over culture may tell us, we don’t have to start the new year with a bang announcing to the world our plans for the year ahead. Let’s start slow and ease our way out of the winter months. January is not a time for fasting and detoxing, best to wait until closer to Kapha season when we feel the first stirrings of spring. Now, we are still in the darkness. This workshop will offer a nudge toward the sluggishness that this time of year brings and will prepare us for new growth when spring emerges. Come join me at Mutton Lane in the heart of the Dublin mountains, for an afternoon of slow flow yoga, involving lots of twisting (!) followed by rest and stillness in restorative poses.

Yoga with Hazel, yoga classes online & in person in Rathgar Dublin 6, Ireland


Date: Sunday 9th February 2025
Time: 11am – 3pm
Cost: 60 euro

As we cross over the threshhold of Imbolg (translates as “in the belly”), as winter begins to loosen its grip and the earth begins to stir we will come together to explore what is stirring within us.   As the Caillleach’s reign on the land weakens and Brigid returns, we will slow down, connect to the rhythm of our animal bodies with embodiment practice, spend time alone in the natural world to listen to what is calling to emerge.

Do you feel a quickening within you?  

Are you feeling ready to begin to be roused from the winter dreaming to see what wishes to be manifested? 

What can you do to revive and nourish your body and soul as you tend to the seeds within you?

What seeds that you have been tending or forgetting are beginning to germinate or not, knowing not every seed sends roots)?

Slowly, slowly we will explore this gentle nudge towards emergence and desire, knowing that these seeds that are beginning to emerge are still fragile, tender and vulnerable.  Let us tap into the sense of awe and wonder that this potential brings.  Let us come together share our emergent stories and sew ourselves into relationship with the beauty and power of the lands way of growing, recovering, resting and dying all for continued life.  


Date: Sunday 15th December 2024

Time: 11.00am – 6.30pm

Cost: 150 euro.

As we settle deeper into the dark time of the year we will ask ourselves how we navigate the darkness. We will move slowly, gently, particularly those parts that get held tightly, we will listen deeply to our bodies and each other and rest deeply.

After a slow, restful Yoga practice we will share a simple lunch by the stove.  We will then sit together in witness of collective grief and gratitude with a stone ritual.  We will finish with deep rest.

These dark cold days help to reveal that which is hidden. There is such wisdom to be found in the depths of the dark, in the not doing, not growing, not expanding; in resting, nourishing, recovering. How can we reclaim the wisdom of our bodies in this overculture of constant doing, distraction and ascension?


Date: Sunday 19th January 2025
Time: 2.30pm – 5pm

Cost: 45 euro

Let’s twist to cleanse and revitalise the digestive system and vital organs. Despite what the over culture may tell us, we don’t have to start the new year with a bang announcing to the world our plans for the year ahead. Let’s start slow and ease our way out of the winter months. January is not a time for fasting and detoxing, best to wait until closer to Kapha season when we feel the first stirrings of spring. Now, we are still in the darkness. This workshop will offer a nudge toward the sluggishness that this time of year brings and will prepare us for new growth when spring emerges.

Come join me at Mutton Lane in the heart of the Dublin mountains, for an afternoon of slow flow yoga, involving lots of twisting (!) followed by rest and stillness in restorative poses.


Date:  Sunday 9th February 2025

Time: 11am  – 3pm

Cost: 60 euro

As we cross over the threshhold of Imbolg (translates as “in the belly”), as winter begins to loosen its grip and the earth begins to stir we will come together to explore what is stirring within us.   As the Caillleach’s reign on the land weakens and Brigid returns, we will slow down, connect to the rhythm of our animal bodies with embodiment practice, spend time alone in the natural world to listen to what is calling to emerge.  

Do you feel a quickening within you?  

Are you feeling ready to begin to be roused from the winter dreaming to see what wishes to be manifested? 

What can you do to revive and nourish your body and soul as you tend to the seeds within you?

What seeds that you have been tending or forgetting are beginning to germinate or not, knowing not every seed sends roots)?

Slowly, slowly we will explore this gentle nudge towards emergence and desire, knowing that these seeds that are beginning to emerge are still fragile, tender and vulnerable.  Let us tap into the sense of awe and wonder that this potential brings.  Let us come together share our emergent stories and sew ourselves into relationship with the beauty and power of the lands way of growing, recovering, resting and dying all for continued life.  



Date:  Sunday 15th December 2024

Time: 11.00am-6.30pm

Cost: 150 euro



As we settle deeper into the dark time of the year we will ask ourselves how we navigate the darkness. We will move slowly, gently, particularly those parts that get held tightly, we will listen deeply to our bodies and each other and rest deeply.

After a slow, restful Yoga practice we will share a simple lunch by the stove.  We will then sit together in witness of collective grief and gratitude with a stone ritual.  We will finish with deep rest.

These dark cold days help to reveal that which is hidden. There is such wisdom to be found in the depths of the dark, in the not doing, not growing, not expanding; in resting, nourishing, recovering. How can we reclaim the wisdom of our bodies in this overculture of constant doing, distraction and ascension?

Yoga with Hazel, yoga classes online & in person in Rathgar Dublin 6, Ireland


Date: Sunday 19th January 2025
Time: 2.30pm – 5pm
Cost: 45


Let's twist to cleanse and revitalise the digestive system and vital organs. Despite what the over culture may tell us, we don't have to start the new year with a bang announcing to the world our plans for the year ahead. Let's start slow and ease our way out of the winter months. January is not a time for fasting and detoxing, best to wait until closer to Kapha season when we feel the first stirrings of spring. Now, we are still in the darkness. This workshop will offer a nudge toward the sluggishness that this time of year brings and will prepare us for new growth when spring emerges.

Come join me at Mutton Lane in the heart of the Dublin mountains, for an afternoon of slow flow yoga, involving lots of twisting (!) followed by rest and stillness in restorative poses.

Yoga with Hazel, yoga classes online & in person in Rathgar Dublin 6, Ireland


Date:  Sunday 9th February 2025
Time: 11am-3pm

Cost: 60 euro


More info soon.

Yoga with Hazel, yoga classes online & in person in Rathgar Dublin 6, Ireland




Phone: 085 7672591




Phone: 085 7672591

Yoga with Hazel, yoga classes online & in person in Rathgar Dublin 6, Ireland

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